Thursday, September 6, 2012

One Month is over

Ich bin jetzt einen Monat in Japan und habe eigentlich nur einen Monat lang vor übertriebener Hitze gebuttert. Toyama, der Ort an dem ich meine Zeit hier verbrachte, ist der mit der höchsten Luftfeuchtigkeit im August in ganz Japan (77% im Schnitt). Da ich die ganzen Getränke in Japan höchst interessant finde, habe ich mir vorgenommen, immer wenn ich Zeit finde, einige davon zu präsentieren/kommentieren.

One thing has been of particular interest to me and that is Japanese beverages. They have a hell of a lot of drinks over here. Ranging from super delicious to werid weird. Also nice normal stuff neither awesomely special nor weird. The first month of my stay (August) has been hella hot so all the reasons to refresh with some cooled liquids.But even though the page's name is Drinks in Japan I won't exclusively focus on drinks but also on other stuff of my general interest.
Also big up for Tony Romo and the Cowboys for beating their rival The NY Giants in the season opener. Who would have thought Ogletree is gonna have a performance like that (not to forget Miles Austin of course)

Drinks of the first month, same same ol but new Mountain Dew!!

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